The OCULUS Twinfield® 2 provides you with the very best of our more than 50 years of experience in the perimetry area. This device measures the full field of vision using both automatic, static perimetry and automatic or manual kinetic examinations. The Twinfield® 2 received the express recommendation of the German Ophthalmology Society (DOG) for expert assessment perimetry.
The pre-defined test programs of the Twinfield® 2 perimeter have been set up in such a way that you can easily perform the examinations that you require most often. Whether glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, neurological diseases – appropriate examinations are available for them all. Furthermore, the modular setup of these programs enable you to create custom test processes, as all available test point grids can be conveniently combined with all OCULUS test strategies. You can thus extend the comprehensive standard program series to meet your own particular requirements.
To gain as much information in the shortest possible time – this principle has always been heeded in the development of all OCULUS test strategies. The SPARK Strategy incorporates data from more than 90 000 diagnoses in a matter of minutes to give precise and stable measurements, especially in Glaucoma detection, diagnosis and progression analysis. The OCULUS Fast Threshold achieves a similar performance with clever improvements to the classic 4-2 step method. And since exact numeric values of the perception threshold do not, in many cases, show any priority, the multiple suprathreshold strategies available in the Twinfield® 2 perimeters offers a faster and more comfortable alternative.
Optimally selected examination areas significantly contribute to meaningful visual field findings. The Twinfield® 2 perimeter provides comprehensive, pre-defined test point grids, which cover all areas ranging from the macula area to the entire field of vision. Grids with a higher density of test points in the center, which take account of the physiology of the retina, are the trademark of the Twinfield® 2. Grids with uniform, orthogonally distributed test points along with other grids, such as the Esterman grid, complete the list of available examination areas.
The measuring results of the Twinfield® 2 perimeter are summarized in the standardized results printout. For threshold-determining examinations, all clinically relevant data are recorded and are shown in various different depictions whereas for suprathreshold tests, only a single informational overview is printed.